Thursday, December 6, 2012

This is a shirt design I found online that is a mashup of Forbidden Planet and Futurama, It looked pretty awesome.

Another Saul Bass inspired design

Found this searching online for images for my presentation, this poster was inspired by Saul Bass's design style, I find it pretty cool.

MoMA flyer

This a project from my GDS 108 class where we had to design a flyer for MoMA about Saul Bass.

Here is a poster from the Denver Art Museum about a thing they did on Saul Bass

Here is some Saul Bass inspired work, this is probably what the title sequence would be if Saul was in charge of making one for Star Wars

Saul Bass

Since I did a presentation on Saul Bass I might as well put some stuff by or inspired by him in my blog.
This image is the cover of a book about him, Good choice using the arm as it was the image on the title sequences that really changed how the intro credits now roll in before the movie begins.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Psychedelic style

I thought I would post something that is relevant to the art style depicted in the homework. As you can see this is a psychedelic poster, some notable features are the the array of colors and the typeface. The colors on here are bright and contain a range of many colors. The type is close together and hard to read but has the curvature look to it.

Monday, October 8, 2012

I went to an estate sale this weekend and picked up a huge wooden fork (Yes there is a prong missing, but it shouldn't be too hard to make another) and a spoon, Why I got them you might ask? Besides how awesome it is to own giant utensils I got it for the neat carvings on the handles, they look  kind of like tiki faces kind of which is a neat design.

Monday, October 1, 2012

This is a Tea Towel (apparently). I bought it at an estate  sale about 4 months ago, I  have no idea what the single reason was for me buying it, but all I knew was that I liked it. I think it had something to do with the style of the picture, its like a darkish calm setting. As you can see the guy is pondering something, and it helps set the tone for the picture.

Monday, September 24, 2012

I found this map while looking up maps on the internet and this one stuck out to me because, instead of the simple style of map we have today where it just shows the area of the world (depending on what map you are looking at. Ex. Map of the United States, or the state of Illinois, or the country of France) this map has images all around it making the map itself look more interesting and eye catching.

My personal opinion is that they should bring back a similar style to this to make the image more interesting and just something to look at when you are not actually using the map.

Monday, September 10, 2012

I found this wooden statue at an estate sale last year. It is a man who just caught a fish. he was probably holding a fishing pole of some kind in his hand as there is a hole in the middle of it, but sadly it didn't come with one.

What I did like about this is how whoever crafted this did all the detail work like his face and beard and the fish, I wish I knew exactly what it was or where it came from. I have not found any information on it.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

I found this Lipton Tea tin at my great aunts house and thought it had a pretty neat design on it, it was the tin made in England for Lipton's 100 years in America.  I like the style the guy on the front is drawn and the image of a map  behind him, it gives it kind of a olden days feel.