Thursday, December 6, 2012

This is a shirt design I found online that is a mashup of Forbidden Planet and Futurama, It looked pretty awesome.

Another Saul Bass inspired design

Found this searching online for images for my presentation, this poster was inspired by Saul Bass's design style, I find it pretty cool.

MoMA flyer

This a project from my GDS 108 class where we had to design a flyer for MoMA about Saul Bass.

Here is a poster from the Denver Art Museum about a thing they did on Saul Bass

Here is some Saul Bass inspired work, this is probably what the title sequence would be if Saul was in charge of making one for Star Wars

Saul Bass

Since I did a presentation on Saul Bass I might as well put some stuff by or inspired by him in my blog.
This image is the cover of a book about him, Good choice using the arm as it was the image on the title sequences that really changed how the intro credits now roll in before the movie begins.